New Page

You can create a new HTML page on IRL HTML by uploading a photo or screenshot of your HTML here.

About the OCR methods

In my experience the LLM based OCR methods, Claude and GPT-4 tend to work best with handwritten text. Google Vision can also read some handwritten text, but doesn’t have the ability to automatically fix syntax errors. The prompt used for the LLM models is below.

LLM Prompt This is an image of a piece of paper with HTML code on it. If there are any syntax errors, fix them with the most likely valid HTML. If there are no syntax errors don't make changes. Do not add a <title> tag if one is not present in the image, but if it is there include it. Be careful not to omit any of the tags in the image. Respond with just the HTML code properly formatted, not wrapped in markdown or any description of what is in the response. If the image does not contain HTML code respond with the exact string: ERROR_NOT_HTML_INVALID_IMAGE.

I have added $5 to both the Claude and OpenAI APIs, not sure how long it will last. If the project is out of credits, or you would like to contribute to buy more credits email me at

Code of Conduct

All Pages uploaded to IRL HTML should be original content and not copied source code from another website. They should also be free of any content intended to upset or harass any potential viewers of IRL HTML. Any Pages that have the potential to cause harm, are not original, are not intelligible, or do not contribute positive HTML Energy will be removed. If you would like your page to be removed please email

A full Code of Conduct can be found on GitHub.

A Note on JavaScript

JavaScript tags will be replaced with <code style="display: none"> and inline event handlers will be removed. I wanted to keep the site fun and allow for things like alert(), but I don’t have time to make it more secure.

Create a new HTML page

Select OCR method:
A picture that says HTML